Thursday, May 12, 2005


This blogsite will consists of my rants and reviews about everything in classical music. That is not to say exclusively, but there would also be rants on rock, jazz and anything that is not spinned out from MTV garbage although my main focus would be on classical music.

I had been listening to classical music since the age of eighth and I buy average of 2 CDs per month. I've had great luck and oppurtunity, thanks to a good friend of mine who is president of MalaysianMahlerites, as well as other classical music fans - sharing their records with me. My core composers are Mahler and Bruckner, not surprising trend these days, but that only in core sense that there's a lot to discuss from these composers. Yes, Mahler is still the current cult thing. There's so much jolly and fun discussing who's the best conductor, what's the holy grail recording, how would one approach his scruptulous demands on score, ambigous tempo changes, to usual fanatical obsession on his biography and aspects of life. But there's more than that, do we?

I am 22 years old, and compared to more seasoned albeit older reviewers who may be half a decades more older, I come to be more inexperienced. My music credientials is sparse to say at least, grade five in theory and practical in flute. I do have some experiences on conducting - an amateur orchestra. But I'll be damned to keep quiet on my rants on music. There will be time after 20 years, I write better, more unbiased, more concise, more scholarly reputable articles/reviews and obviously better English. But the hell should I care? Also if any of you can't dig my rants, there's always plenty of other reviewers to read, has plenty. Also some other sites:

Musicweb, formerly Musicweb UK(contains the famous Tony Duggan Mahler recordings survey):

The most comprehensive (and not necessarily best site out there) classical music reviews site:

Peter Gutmann's Classical Notes webby (contains comprehensive biographies and articles on Bernstein, Furtwangler and Celibidache):

Singapore's premier site on classical music and other arts:

Classical Music Guide (with forum):

and finally you can always do good work by surving on Google, best damn thing on web. Just enter: + reviews and click.


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